Our Mission
To engage in the encouragement and the maintenance of excellence in the fields of aviation and aeronautics and for promoting that sector of knowledge which distinguishes the profession of Aeronautics (which includes Astronautics) in Mauritius and in the Indian Ocean region
To attain its objectives AeSM proposes:
To contribute to the development and maintenance of professional standards in all aspects of Aeronautics
To provide a forum for the interchange of ideas in the field of Aeronautics and to act as a launching pad for the development of creative new aviation opportunities.
To establish a body of expertise and experience which can advise or lobby Government or the Private Sector on aviation matters.
To promote a public appreciation of the importance and significance of Aeronautics in Mauritius and in the Indian Ocean Region.
Our priority
The promotion of and support to the establishment in Mauritius of an Academy (of international standards) for imparting training to the future aeronautical engineers and pilots, equipping both Mauritian and overseas successful students with licences based on the requirements of the European Air Safety Agency (EASA).
We welcome
All Mauritian residents and friends visiting our shores.
We wish you
Success in learning more, or sharing your experience, in the field of Aeronautics, Aviation and Astronautics.
Who we are:
The Aeronautical Society of Mauritius has a current membership of 50 Mauritius residents with an interest in Aviation, Aeronautics and Astronautics. They include professionals from aviation regulatory body and air-operators as well as others who have opted for a career in aeronautics or have simply demonstrated their interest in aviation. Membership grades cover all levels of qualification and experience, from Affiliates (who need have none), through Students, Graduates, Associate Members, Members and eventually Fellows. There is no Entry Fee whereas the appropriate Annual Fees are kept at a very reasonable level, beginning at Rs 100 p.a for an Affiliate. Application Forms can be downloaded from the Society’s website www.aesm.mu and a Membership Committee meets regularly to assess Grades.
The AeSM is in MOU partnership with the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), the Institution of Engineers Mauritius (IEM) and the Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology (MAST).
AeSM has also opened its doors to a Junior Aviators class, specially created for those who while still at their Secondary Schools are enthusiastic about being part of the aviation community. They have already outnumbered the mainstream membership.
What we do:
In furtherance of our objectives, we work in collaboration with our “Corporate Partners”. These include the national carrier Air Mauritius, the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, two organisations specialising in website and IT support as well as five universities/centres of learning. We welcome, encourage, advise and support, within our means, including through giving publicity to any initiative of any company or individual introducing new aviation products even if it operates in the Troposphere or Space.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Society holds student competitions with an aeronautical theme, the most successful of which is the annual “Design, Build and Fly” Model Glider Competition. The Society holds regular Members Meetings each featuring a talk on a specialised aviation topic given by an expert in his/her field. Recent subjects have included “Supersonic Passenger Flight after Concorde”, “The Role of Engineering in Today’s World” and “Designing the Mauritius Cube-satellite, a first step into Space”. Our Speakers have included such personalities of eminence as the Past Presidents of the Royal Aeronautical Society (UK).
For our “Junior Aviators” they have been treated to guided visits, during their school holidays, to venues of aeronautical interest which included the headquarters of the Coastguard Maritime Air Squadron and the Civil Aviation’s Area Control Centre.