Captain Richard (Dick) Augustin Twomey
Founder President Aeronautical Society of Mauritius
Retired Director of Flight Operations (Air Mauritius)
Born 31 August 1930
Passed Away : 09 July 2020
Author of WING TIPS
The President and members of the Executive Committee of the Aeronautical Society of Mauritius (AeSM) have the deep regret to inform all members of the Society, friends and well-wishers of the passing away in the early hours of this morning (09 July 2020) of Captain Richard (Dick) Twomey the founder member and President of the Society.
We at AeSM have known him as the indefatigable engine which bought about the Aeronautical Society of Mauritius in 2010 and secured its registration in 2013, adopting similar objectives as the UK big brother—the Royal Aeronautical Society.
Dick spared no effort to transform his vision of the Society into that of the Society and that is now fait accompli: The Society’s Vision is to bring together all the aeronautics and aviation professionals of the Republic of Mauritius into an independent expert body which can contribute to the formulation and review of an evolving National Aviation Strategy for Mauritius while being a source which can be tapped into by tomorrow’s leaders in Aeronautics and Aviation.
To realise the above, AeSM gave itself the following mission to engage in the encouragement and maintenance of excellence in the fields of aviation and aeronautics leading to the General Advancement of Aeronautical Art, Science and Engineering and more particularly for promoting that species of knowledge which distinguishes the profession of Aeronautics (which expression includes Astronautics) in Mauritius and the Indian Ocean Region.
Our members who have evolved through Air Mauritius and the Department of Civil Aviation have closer knowledge of Dick having seen him discharging the responsibilities of the Director of Flight Operations of the national carrier.
Those of us with international experience would have known Dick as a model glider enthusiast who made aviation his passion and career which spanned some 31 years in Cambrian Airways, British European Airways (VEA), and then, during the later years of the Cold war at his very own creation “Berlin European UK”, before landing in Mauritius as the MK Director of Flight Operations.
Rural North Yorkshire will recall him as the young boy who founded the Model Aircraft Club at his school in Ampleforth when he tried his hands at designing gliders and other flying machines, one of which flew and remained air borne for 2 hours, flying out 22 miles where it was recovered by a teacher.
There is much more to Dick, and for this we would strongly recommend that each of you procure a copy of his book “Wing Tips” which carries a preface by Rear Admiral Simon Henley FRAeS, past president of the Royal Aeronautical Society. As well as an “Appreciation of his life and work” by Dr Marc Serge Riviere, MA PhD, Prof Emeritus University of Limerick, Ireland.
While certainly being a great loss to his wife and children and his close relatives and friends, members of AeSM and others associated with AeSM would find it difficult to reconcile with his absence at AeSM events such as the Model Glider Competition which he initiated and was promoted by the Director of Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre; likewise the Young Aviators Group from the various secondary schools, who will continue to look for him, and may very well find explanations given by other AeSM members as incomplete. That will be one face missing at every meeting of AeSM.
By way of conclusion, may I mention that one of Dick’s concerns was that the AeSM should and must live up to his expectations. We have assured him that will do whatever it takes to keep the AeSM flag flying and to ensure that the Aeronautical Society of Mauritius is maintained in its non-stop flight into higher altitudes.
Additionally, may I mention that Dick has, during the past 10 years, including the 7 years of the official life of AeSM, built a network which include of aviation enthusiasts, Corporate Partners, and distinguished personalities who contributed to building the credibility and repute of the Society. The President of AeSM as its Executive Committee thank them for their support to Dick and request them to continue extending their support to AeSM minus its Dick Twomey.
To day both the Aeronautical Society of Mauritius and the Royal Aeronautical Society have lost a valuable Fellow Member. May God bless his soul.
Jagadish Soobarah
President (AeSM)
9thJuly 2020